Method Thirty Four: The Nonsemble

Hello and welcome to Method Thirty Four in our collective journey toward mellowness. After a brief hiatus, we’re back with fresh sonic salve courtesy of the lovely people at The Nonsemble.

THE NONSEMBLE is a creative arts and culture collective, founded by Daz-I-Kue (Bugz in The Attic), DKnow (aka Kung Fu Kenny) and JasS. A non-profit organization, they support the development of a new generation of musicians from around the world through events, artist management and promotion. These guys live and breathe jazz, and for the next hour they take us on a moody, mellowed-out trip through some of genre’s best new sounds.

Find a comfortable position and press play. As you hear the music play, notice as feelings of deep relaxation and mellowness wash over you. Take this journey with an open mind, you are in safe and comfortable hands.

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